
Professional coffee machine with a smart attitude.

An iconic, robust and premium professional coffee machine designed to be smart and efficient.

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How can we innovate a well-known product that has been around for decades? We rely on our contextual approach to help answering the question. So, we hit the streets and went to coffee shops to learn the most we could about the coffee experience.

elite by inngage

Develop a new professional coffee machine that represent a huge advantage to Delta.

Elite is an extension of their brand, and the objective was to improve their business.

Smart professional equipment with IoT systems integrated that allows a communication between machine and coffee brand. The overall goal: protect and improve the business perspective of coffee consumption.

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A new generation of professional coffee

Our approach was simple: we wanted to get deep into the coffee experience. So we mapped out different coffee shops and set contextual interviews. We have spoken with every stakeholder from shop owners, vendors, maintenance team and consumers. From all the insights we started our ideation process and Elite was born.

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Designed for

An equipment that adapts to the coffee shop’s decoration and mood. The machine has a modular side, can grow and evolve facing specific needs. Also ensures a 360º access to the interior so it can be easier to repair. It has new technology inside like movement sensors that turn the machine into sleep mode if there is no one around. This coffee machine is intelligent and connected to an app that collects data about coffee consumption, allowing the shop owner to see the services, order more coffee, schedule maintenances, and so on.

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Movement sensor.

If in 5 minutes this sensor doesn’t detect any movement the machine will go into sleep mode, saving energy to the barista and coffee shop owner.

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Control over the top tray temperature for warm cups (in winter) and cool cups (in summer).

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5 coffemachine elite assembling inngage

360º access.

Built with removable parts, this machine can be accessed from any side. This way the maintenance team can easily access the interior when needed.

5 coffemachine elite assembling inngage
5 coffemachine elite personalization inngage


The front and side panels can be customized with graphics so the equipment can be more aligned to the decoration of the coffee shop.

5 coffemachine elite personalization inngage
iPhone X Mockup Gif

App Delta.

Designed for two purposes.
Coffee shop owner: know coffee services, order more coffee and schedule maintenances.
Commercial team: track the coffee stock, compare volume of coffees vs volume of coffee consumed, manage deliveries and maintenances.

iPhone X Mockup Gif
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