Orbis and Axon

The conscience of things.

Devices that see, feel and
hear its surroundings.

  • Client
    Loka Systems
  • Sector
    Technology and Devices
  • Year

For businesses, tracking their assets brings huge advantages on the logistics and operations side. But every asset is different and needs to transmit different types of information and data. Through IoT solutions is possible for things to have a conscience.

orbis axon by inngage prototypes testing 1

We created a solution for a family of devices that could meet different use scenarios, from the most common and basic to the most distinct and complex, all based on the technology provided by Loka.

With specific use scenarios in mind, we designed two powerful devices, Orbis and Axon, both prepared to fit different assets and be efficient in extreme conditions. Orbis is a solution for the most common uses and Axon, due to its expandable capability, is a device that can be tailor made.

orbis axon by inngage loka 2 1

From factor through prototypes.

During the design process, all the ideas were tested with prototypes to ensure a perfect match for the electronics developed by LOKA’s engineering team. Also, prototypes were crucial to establish a common visual language between the two devices.

orbis and axon by inngage orbis prototyping
orbis design by inngage loka


This device was designed to be the most standard asset tracker. The goal was to have a product that could adapt to LOKA’s clients’ needs. It gives assets the capability to see, feel and hear its surroundings, with geofencing capabilities indoor and outdoor.

orbis design by inngage loka
axon design by inngage loka


The most expandable device of LOKA. It was thought to facilitate the connection with other sensors while remains tough in demanding situations. It will transmit impulses to the LOKA’s IoT Cloud platform. With 3 AA batteries it has more battery life and includes sensors for geolocation, temperature, movement.

axon design by inngage loka
orbis and axon by inngage family 2

Design with context
in mind.

Both devices will be used in different contexts and under different conditions. We anticipated the most common use scenarios to develop different options for handling and fixing the devices.

orbis by inngage application loka optimized
orbis by inngage application loka detail
orbis by inngage application loka detail 2 1
orbis axon design inngage tracking
orbis by inngage application loka detail 3

The conscience of things, with Orbis and Axon.

orbis by inngage application industrial transportation pallet
orbis by inngage application industrial transportation 1